Early Intervention Services (EIS)
TERRIFIC, Inc.’s Early Intervention Services program provides in-person and virtual educational training on HIV, HIV testing, and linkage to care and social services to low-income, underinsured individuals living in the District and surrounding areas.
Individuals interested in TERRIFIC, Inc.’s Early Intervention Services program can find information on HIV educational training and testing on TERRIFIC, Inc.’s calendar on the website and on Twitter. They can also sign up on TERRIFIC, Inc.’s website to receive text messages, emails, or phone call notifications for scheduled events.
TERRIFIC, Inc.’s Early Intervention Services program uses the “Hi-V (High-five) Model” to identify those most susceptible to contracting HIV.
“Hi-V (High-five) Model”
Find ‘em: TERRIFIC, Inc.’s Early Intervention Services team are partnered with organizations in the community to ensure individuals who are impacted by HIV or are most susceptible to contracting HIV have access to our services.
Test ‘em: TERRIFIC, Inc.’s Early Intervention Services team will provide testing to clients on site, if on site is not available we refer clients to clinics that offer free testing near them and set up the appointment with the individual as well.
Teach ‘em: TERRIFIC, Inc.’s Early Intervention Services team will provide information on the basics of HIV, prevention methods, such as PrEP and condom use, to decrease their exposure to HIV, and treatment methods available.
Link ‘em: TERRIFIC, Inc’s Early Intervention Services team, will link clients to other available TERRIFIC, Inc. services and complete referrals to community partners for additional support services.
Keep ‘em: TERRIFIC, Inc’s Early Intervention Services team, will contact clients monthly by text, email, or phone to ensure adherence to preventative measures and treatment plans.
Psychosocial Support Services (PSS)
TERRIFIC, Inc.’s Psychosocial Support Services focuses on providing individual and/or group support services to people affected by HIV. The support services will assist with behavioral and physical health concerns. TERRIFIC, Inc.’s Psychosocial Support Services will provide nutritional counseling, child abuse and neglect counseling, pastoral care/ counseling, bereavement counseling, and HIV support groups. More details about the support services are listed below.
Individuals interested in TERRIFIC, Inc.’s Psychosocial Support Services can find dates and times and registration for counseling sessions on TERRIFIC, Inc.’s website. They can also sign up to receive notifications of counseling sessions by text message, email, or phone call on TERRIFIC, Inc.’s website.
Nutritionist Counseling: Have you been recently diagnosed with HIV and unsure what foods are best to support your immune system? Have you recently become the caregiver for someone living with HIV and unsure if there are any dietary restrictions? TERRIFIC, Inc.’s nutritionist will provide clients with nutritional information on living a healthier lifestyle after being affected with HIV.
Child Abuse and Neglect Counseling: Are you interested in healing your childhood wounds? TERRIFIC, Inc.’s Licensed Social Worker will provide clients with counseling and tools to heal from childhood trauma.
Pastoral Care/ Counseling: Are you in need of some spiritual guidance? TERRIFIC, Inc.’s pastoral counselor will be available to provide spiritual support and counseling to those affected with HIV.
Bereavement Counseling: Have you recently lost a loved one? Are you grieving the lost of identity after being diagnosed with HIV? TERRIFIC, Inc.’s pastoral counselor will be available to assist with the grieving and healing process of loss.
HIV Support Groups: TERRIFIC, Inc. will have peer-led HIV support groups for those affected by HIV or those who have a loved one affected by HIV.
Program Funding: TERRIFIC, Inc.’s Early Intervention Services and Psychosocial Support Services are funded through the D.C. Department of Health HIV/ AIDS, Hepatitis, STD and TB Administration (HAHSTA).
For More information contact:
Psychosocial Services: Jacqueline Adams - Jadams@terrificinc.org
Early Intervention Services: Jasmine Brown - jbrown@terrificinc.org

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